Friday, November 21, 2008


Chinese F-Essence Testimony from Eunice.

Chinese F-Essence Testimony from Jeniffer.

Cantonese F-Essence Testimony from May.

Cantonese F-Essence Testimony from Chin Nee.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

F-Essence (English)


F-Essence is specially formulated to keep women in the pink of health and to give them the rosy supple complexion that they have always longed for.
The concoction of precious Chinese herbs like radix angelicae sinensis, resina draconis, rhizome dioscoreae, radix astragali seu hedyari and colla corii asini make F-Essence a true tonic that can preserve a woman's youth and beautify her complexion. On top of that, it also helps ease common female ailments like irregular menstrual cycle, muscle aches, pain of the waist and knee, dizziness, lack of strength, cold limbs, paleness, abdominal sores, cramps and postpartum weakness.

These are often the symptoms of the body's qi and blood deficiency. Qi and blood are the most essential components of the human body. They make sure that the body's physiological activities, organs and systems are in good working order. F-Essence is a potent tonic formula that can nourish the body's qi and blood to improve its overall wellbeing.

Why Do I Need F-Essence?

Many female problems and illnesses arise because the modern women of today lead hectic and busy lives that leave no time for them to take good care of themselves. Lack of exercise, stress and a fast pace of life can put a toll on a woman's health. Furthermore, overworking and improper diet can have adverse effects on the physiological functions of the body's organs and systems. This will eventually lead to the deficiency of qi (vitality) and blood.

Qi and blood are the fundamental elements that enable the body's organs and systems to perform their normal functions. One of the qi's many roles is to boost the activities of the organs while the blood plays the role of nourishing the body's overall health. A person with sufficient qi and blood is energetic, vibrant and youthful. Her skin will also reflect this inner state of health, which is radiant, rosy, smooth and supple. Therefore, it is always important to start nourishing and regulating your body from within. Not only will it keep you in good health, it will also make you more beautiful. Formulated with Chinese herbs and tonic, F-Essence can help to solve many female problems by regulating their flow of qi and blood. The mild formula nourishes and strengthens the body from inside out and regular consumption promises to grant you vitality and a good complexion.

How Does F-Essence Work?

Resina Draconis Daemonorops (RDD) has been used as a traditional Chinese medicine since 1,500 years ago. It is a precious herb that is believed to treat blood disorders. According to modern medical research and clinical studies, the active substances in this herb have shown to do the following:

• Improve blood circulation

• Increase the volume of blood in the coronary

• Reduce blood viscosity

• Improve oxygen supply to tissues

• Prevent cardiovascular diseases

RDD also has the ability to strengthen immunity and prevent chronic illnesses like cancer. This is because of the herb's anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties as well as anti-cancer substances.

RDD is also commonly used for treating menstrual problems, dysmenorrhea, amenorrheal, hemorrhagic, abnormal vaginal bleeding after delivery, inflammation of the uterus and other gynecological problems because of its ability to regulate blood circulation, aid metabolism and improve immunity. RDD is in fact regarded as the
best women's medicine.

F-Essence (Chinese)

F-Essence 补气养血宝

产品介绍 《补气养血宝》特别为协助女性的保健需求而推出,专门针对女性体质,补气兼养血双管齐下,同时还具有润肤养颜的功效。《补气养血宝》采用珍贵药材,如当归、血竭、山药、黄芪及阿胶等,是真正可以为女性留住青春和美化肌肤的滋补保健品。此外,这保健品还有助调理周期各种不适,舒缓肌肉疼痛、腰膝酸软、头晕无力、手脚 冰冷、面色苍白或憔悴、腰腹疼痛、月经痛及产后体虚等。








• 促进血液循环

• 增加心脏里的血量

• 减少血液粘性

• 改善输送给体内组织的氧气供应

• 预防心血管病



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